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Music Production

Recording is complete for album 1

Bar | June 15, 2012

This month we recorded the last of the drums for Album #1, and I just uploaded the new mixes for both Revoluçión and Wasted. Definitely check them out. When we get the last of the drums worked into the songs, the next step will be mastering, and then, we should […]

Behind the scenes

Spotlight on: Lover

Bar | January 31, 2012

The Obol song that almost wasn’t, Lover has undergone more re-writes, shelvings and unshelvings than any other Obol track. Built around an old song we played in The Exterior, Lover was originally called “Waiting”, and early MySpace listeners ate up the White Rabbit-esque 60’s swank of the verse, but the […]

Band mama drama!

Goodbye to Ryan

Bar | December 1, 2010

Obol’s original keyboardist brought so much to the table. Unfortunately, our friend and musical colleague, Ryan Dirks, is moving back to Iowa to pursue his Architecture career. Ryan leaves huge shoes to fill, and it will be tricky to find a good replacement for him on the keys/strings/piano. Good luck, […]

Life of a band

Band name change

Bar | April 24, 2010

We all loved Silverspun as a name. I mean, we really loved it. It was perfect. But as we got ready to make our big push into the world with a new album, etc. It was important to make sure the name was set. The Silversun Pickups became very popular […]

That's all

  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. Missionary

  • cover play_circle_filled

    02. Charlatan

  • cover play_circle_filled

    03. Gender

  • cover play_circle_filled

    04. Ahuevo

  • cover play_circle_filled

    05. Supersized

  • cover play_circle_filled

    06. Quizshow

  • cover play_circle_filled

    07. Uncle

  • cover play_circle_filled

    08. Twist

  • cover play_circle_filled

    09. Lover

  • cover play_circle_filled

    10. Hive

  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. Missionary

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