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Band name change

Bar | April 24, 2010

We all loved Silverspun as a name. I mean, we really loved it. It was perfect. But as we got ready to make our big push into the world with a new album, etc. It was important to make sure the name was set.

The Silversun Pickups became very popular over the past year or two. Fortunately for the world, that means a lot of hit singles, possibly for years to come. Unfortunately for us, it meant we had to scrutinize our name, as TSP showed no sign of leaving the spotlight.

The more we talked to people and mentioned our band’s name, the more misunderstandings we ran into as folks thought we were TSP. Which brings us to today. We brainstormed hundreds of great names and checked them all out on MySpace, Google, etc. to see what was “taken” and what isn’t. You’d be surprised how many bands out there are called Echo Chamber, by the way.

After much ado and several great options (I will always love you, Memory Vault), the final vote breakdown looked something like this:

A Thousand Rooms – 28
Obol – 36
Memory Vault – 8
Nonsense Poems – 4
Twenty Fragments – 9
Immersion Mansion (or Immersion Museum) – 1

Each person who voted on a name voted for more than one, citing certain advantages to this or that. What’s interesting is that every single person who voted, voted for either Obol or A Thousand Rooms. During our final meeting on the name, we went back and forth on them, and eventually Josh and Ashton ruled out “A Thousand Rooms” due to some usage concerns.

We are excited about the new name and look forward to seeing how it is used, and how it will impact our image and the music, for years to come.

Written by Bar

  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. Missionary

  • cover play_circle_filled

    02. Charlatan

  • cover play_circle_filled

    03. Gender

  • cover play_circle_filled

    04. Ahuevo

  • cover play_circle_filled

    05. Supersized

  • cover play_circle_filled

    06. Quizshow

  • cover play_circle_filled

    07. Uncle

  • cover play_circle_filled

    08. Twist

  • cover play_circle_filled

    09. Lover

  • cover play_circle_filled

    10. Hive

  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. Missionary

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